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Public Life Hosts North Carolina Teletown Hall Faith & Family Forum


October 27th, 2016


Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, 202-735-7123

Mia Young, myoung@faithinpubliclife.org, 202-374-0416

North Carolina Clergy Discuss Compassion Issues Facing Congregations and Communities

Washington, DC — On Thursday, Oct. 27th, a prominent coalition of interfaith clergy held a North Carolina Statewide Teletown Hall highlighting clergy voices in discussing compassion issues facing our congregations and communities. The Teletown Hall format allowed the event to engage a geographically diverse gathering of the Tarheel state faithful to discuss issues of concern to North Carolinians.

The forum addressed issues that cross ideological divides within the faith community because of moral values generated by religious teachings; focusing on education, domestic violence/sexual assault, and medicaid expansion and implications of dearth of access to health care services. Speakers at the event included: Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO, Faith in Public Life; Dr. Pat Anderson, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship; Rev. Dr. Nicole Martin, The Park Church, Charlotte; and Rev. Lia Scholl, Wake Forest Baptist, Alliance of Baptists, Winston-Salem.

The Teletown Hall served as a forum for civil dialogue about how religious congregations can impact issues of concern in the November election, featuring prominent North Carolina clergy and issue experts.

Listen to the full recording below:


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