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Liberating Repro Health: Interfaith Meditation

On the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision Faith in Public Life held a virtual contemplative gathering over Zoom to culminate the Liberating Repro Health Weekend of Witness . 

A diverse spectrum of faith leaders shared meditations, reflections, creative recitations, and prayers that inspired, uplifted, and galvanized our hearts, minds, and spirits for our collective journey ahead to protect and expand the legal frameworks, positive cultural narratives, and grounded faith wisdom to attain comprehensive reproductive health and equity.

Watch the recording below:

God Is At Every Choice

For 50 years, our faith has been weaponized to restrict access to abortion care and create shame and stigma around sex education, contraception and reproductive health care. But we’re committed to reclaiming our faith and using it to create communities where we can have healthy dialogue and access care without shame and stigma. 

At Faith in Public Life, we have gathered faith leaders to share the experiences of those in those in their communities, develop their reproductive health and faith journey stories and learn how to have honest and nuanced, faith-based conversations with those who are still conflicted about how their faith and reproductive health access align.

We have seen the power of creating space to have conversations that acknowledge the unique circumstances and barriers people face when making decisions about their reproductive health care. We’ve witnessed individuals who entered a conversation staunchly opposed to abortion access begin to wrestle with these complexities and acknowledge that they can’t make blanket decisions for others. We’ve seen community members recognize themselves in our reproductive health stories and begin to share their own journeys. And we’ve watched with joy as faith leaders expanded their understanding of reproductive justice and its connection to our faith values.

Over this next year, Faith in Public Life will continue to convene, resource and help faith leaders tell their stories. 

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