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Over 600 National Faith Leaders Urge Congress to Reject Funding for Cruel and Immoral Immigration Enforcement


December 19, 2018


Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, (202)735-7123

Mackenzie Harris, mharris@faithinpubliclife.org, (610)283-8879

Over 600 National Faith Leaders Urge Congress to Reject Funding for Cruel and Immoral Immigration Enforcement

Washington, D.C. — Over 600 faith leaders have signed a national declaration calling on all Members of Congress to reject any funding to support immoral immigration policies and the Trump administration’s vanity wall along the border.

“In an effort to score political points, President Trump is demanding that Congress approve his immoral, wasteful border wall and increase funding for detention and deportations,” the letter states. “Rather than agree to this sinful ultimatum, legislators must restore necessary asylum protections and address the root causes that force people to flee for their lives. All of our faith traditions call us to love our neighbors as ourselves and reject violence and brutality.”

Congress has until the end of this week to pass a budget that averts a government shutdown.

To read the letter and the full list of signers, click here.

Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO, Faith in Public Life:

“As a pastor and a person of faith, I pray that lawmakers will denounce President Trump’s wicked and immoral immigration policies that tear-gas children and tear families apart. A child has died and people seeking asylum are being terrorized. We cannot allow our nation’s budget to be hijacked by to build a useless border wall. We must vehemently resist.”


Faith in Public Life is a national network of nearly 50,000 clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice and the common good.

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