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Ohio Faith Leaders Demand Fair Districts


Thursday, Apr 28, 2022


Rev. Dan Clark, dclark@faithinpubliclife.org

Kia Smith, ksmith@faithinpubliclife.org

Ohio Faith Leaders Demand Fair Districts

Columbus, OH – Faith leaders from across Ohio joined the moral cry for the Ohio Redistricting Commission to produce fair Ohio House and Senate maps. On April 14, the Ohio Supreme Court gave the Commission until May 6 to act but they have done nothing yet. Leaders joined a rally in front of the Ohio Supreme Court with Fair Districts Ohio and Equal Districts to call for fairness.

Watch Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan Jr’s remarks here. Watch Rev. Dan Clark’s remarks here.

Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr, Executive Director, Ohio Council of Churches

“As a movement that is accented by love and punctuated by justice, the Ohio Council of Churches calls for the immediate end to partisan gerrymandering in the state of Ohio. This is not just a political matter: this is a moral, ethical and theological matter. God so loved the world! God so loves every zip code! We love Ohio, Ohio is our home. We will not be muted! We are not going away!

“Commission members, we see you! We compel you by the love of God to do your job! Return to your chamber! Return to your deliberations. Find your moral compass, abide by the law, reject interposition and accept integrity, and produce maps that are consistent with the Constitution and consistent with the will of the people!”

Rev. Dan Clark, Ohio Director, Faith in Public Life

“Too often the people who draw Ohio’s congressional maps put their own interests ahead of everything else. The desire for the ruling party to consolidate power and solidify their own security in positions of authority ends up trumping any considerations of equity, justice or fairness.

“In Isaiah chapter 58, we are given a very clear roadmap for thriving: If we can put our own interests aside in favor of what God asks of us, we can realize a beautiful future. Only by seeking fairness in our political systems – including drawing fair maps before the May 6 deadline – can we be sure that every Ohioan flourishes.”


Faith in Public Life is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good. Together, with a network of over 50,000 leaders, they are leading the fight to advance just policies at the state and federal level that affirm our values and the human dignity of all.

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