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National Faith Leader Decries President Trump’s Asylum Executive Order, Calls for Repentance


November 9, 2018


Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, (202)735-7123

Mackenzie Harris, mharris@faithinpubliclife.org, (610)283-8879

National Faith Leader Decries President Trump’s Asylum Executive Order, Calls for Repentance

Washington, D.C. — President Donald Trump released an executive order which would dramatically weaken U.S. protections and access for people fleeing violence to seek asylum in the United States. The policy shift would require people to go to a port of entry to request asylum, where Border Patrol agents have been regularly denying access to the United States and bar individuals who cross in between from asylum eligibility.

Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO of Faith in Public Life:

“President Trump’s new executive order is a violation of national and international law. More importantly, it is a violation of many faith traditions, which instruct us to welcome the stranger and defend the vulnerable. To deny children and families seeking safety a fair chance for security is sin. As a nation we have a moral responsibility to protect those in fear of their life. As a pastor, I call on the Trump administration to repent and reverse this wicked decision.”


Faith in Public Life is a national network of nearly 50,000 clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice and the common good.

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