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National Christian Leader Condemns ICE Violation of Muslims’ Religious Freedom


August 20, 2020


Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, (202) 735-7123

Austin Schuler, aschuler@faithinpublic.org, (540) 280-3393

National Christian Leader Condemns ICE Violation of Muslims’ Religious Freedom

Washington, D.C. — A recent lawsuit accuses an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center in Florida of regularly forcing Muslim detainees to eat either pork or spoiled halal food.

Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO, Faith in Public Life (Washington, D.C.):

“ICE’s abhorrent abuse of Muslim immigrants is nothing less than evil. Forcing Muslims to choose between hunger and the requirements of their faith is a cruel violation of religious liberty and part of a systemic pattern of human rights violation by President Trump. Agents of our government must respect the religious freedom and dignity of every person – not just the white Christians who make up the president’s political base. Everyone who has played a part in these crimes must be held accountable, and the dehumanizing detention of immigrants must end immediately.”


Faith in Public Life is a national movement of clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice, equality and the common good. Together, we are leading the fight to advance just policies at the state and federal level. Our network of 50,000 leaders engage in bold moral action that affirms our values and the human dignity of all.

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