Ga. Faith Leader Urges Lawmakers to Reject SB 221
February 28, 2018
Michelle Nealy,, (202) 735-7123
Graham Younger,, (678) 739-8584
Ga. Faith Leader Urges Lawmakers to Reject SB 221
Atlanta, Ga. — State Sen. Marty Harbin (R-16) has introduced an anti-LGBTQ religious freedom bill into the Georgia Senate that includes similar language as the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Since 2014, faith leaders have rejected the legislature’s flurry of anti-LGBTQ religious freedom bills, including a 2016 iteration vetoed by former Gov. Nathan Deal, and boldly called on lawmakers to pass a comprehensive and inclusive civil rights bill.
Rabbi Peter S. Berg, The Temple, issued the following statement:
“As a Rabbi, I believe freedom of religion is essential. That’s why it’s protected in the First Amendment. But year after year, we have seen divisive, dangerous bills that increase the risk that religious freedom will be used to justify harm and discrimination. These bills are wrong, and it’s time to move on. Our legislators must come together and pass a comprehensive civil rights bill that protects all Georgians, including people of faith.”
Faith in Public Life is a strategy center for the faith community advancing faith in the public square as a powerful force for justice, compassion and the common good.