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GA Clergy Praise Governor Deal’s Veto of ‘Campus Carry’ Bill

For Immediate Release

May 3, 2016


Michelle Nealy, (202)735-7123, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org

Graham Younger, 678-739-8584, gyounger@faithinpubliclife.org

GA Clergy Praise Governor Deal’s Veto of ‘Campus Carry’ Bill

Atlanta, GA —  On Tuesday, May 3rd, Gov. Nathan Deal announced a veto of HB 859, a dangerous bill that would have legalized firearms on Georgia’s college campuses. Outcry, a diverse coalition of Georgia clergy, commends the Governor’s efforts to protect the safety of our state’s students, teachers and administrators. While preventing this dangerous bill from becoming law was a good first step, the coalition will continue to fight for proactive, common sense gun legislation to ensure the safety of all Georgians.

Rabbi Peter S. Berg, The Temple:

“As a rabbi, I applaud Gov. Deal’s veto of HB 859. I’m relieved that the safety of our students is being put first, and that our schools will not be transformed into places of fear and violence. It is irrational and irresponsible to believe that allowing students, faculty, and administrators to carry guns will somehow make Georgia’s college campuses safer. As people of faith, we have a moral responsibility to protect our communities from gun violence. The veto of Campus Carry is a step in the right direction for Georgia.”


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