Faith Leaders Respond to Mayor Ginther’s Call to Pray for a Safer 2018
January 9, 2018
Michelle Nealy,, (202)735-7123
Dan Clark,, (614)648-3663
Faith Leaders Respond to Mayor Ginther’s Call to Pray for a Safer 2018
COLUMBUS, OH — On Wednesday, January 10th at 11 a.m., Columbus faith leaders will gather at St. John’s United Church of Christ to respond to Mayor Ginther’s call to “pray for a safer 2018” and urge the mayor to waste no time implementing the life-saving strategies that will de-escalate violence and help repair the severely damaged trust between law enforcement and communities of color.
Rev. Dan Clark, Ohio Director, Faith in Public Life:
“Mayor Ginther has called on faith leaders to pray for a safer Columbus in 2018. We already are. Many pastors and priests, rabbis, imams, and nuns have been praying and working for peace in our city for many years. To that end, we are urging the Mayor to lead with courage and conviction in implementing policy changes that will save lives and make Columbus safer for everyone.”
Diverse and prominent faith leaders respond to Mayor Ginther’s call to pray for a safer 2018
Wednesday, January 10th, 11 a.m.
St. John’s United Church of Christ
Imam Horsed Noah, Abubakar Assidiq Islamic Center
Rev. Lane Campbell, First Unitarian Universalist Church
Pastor Rich Johnson, Sanctuary Columbus Church
Pastor Jason Ridley, West Allegheny Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Father Charles Wilson, St. Philip Episcopal Church
Rev. Dr. Eric Brown, Woodland Christian Church
Faith in Public Life is a strategy center for the faith community advancing faith in the public square as a powerful force for justice, compassion and the common good.