Faith Leaders Applaud NBA for All-Star Game Move in Response to North Carolina’s HB2
For Immediate Release
July 22, 2016
Michelle Nealy,, 202-735-7123
Allison Walter,, 913-375-7730
Faith Leaders Applaud NBA for All-Star Game Move in Response to North Carolina’s HB2
Washington, D.C. — The 2017 NBA All-Star Game will be relocated from Charlotte, North Carolina due to the state’s discriminatory HB2 legislation. This marks the first time in U.S. history that a professional sporting event has been moved in response to anti-LGBT legislation. In light of this development, North Carolina faith leaders have released the following statement.
Rev. Larry Robinson, Harry Hosier UMC, Fayetteville, NC
As a community of faith, we applaud the NBA’s historic decision to move the 2017 All-Star Game and stand morally opposed to House Bill 2. Discrimination has no place in our sporting arenas or in our society. An event that aims to bring people of every stripe together, should not be held in a state that passes legislation rooted in division.