Dayton Faith Leaders Call On Rep. Turner to Protect SNAP Food Benefits for Mothers, Children
May 16, 2018
Michelle Nealy,, (202)735-7123
Dan Clark,, (614)648-3663
Ohio Faith Leader Applauds Gov. Kasich’s Step Forward on Immigration
Columbus, OH — Gov. John Kasich recently announced the creation of an historic Office for New Americans, a statewide expression similar to the local initiatives lead by the city of Dayton and other Ohio communities. In light of this development, a local faith leader has released this statement.
Rev. Dan Clark, Ohio Director, Faith in Public Life:
“Immigrants and refugees make America great. They are our neighbors, classmates and friends. They are leaders in our churches and our communities. As a pastor, I congratulate Governor Kasich for living out the gospel calling to love our neighbors by creating the Office of New Americans. I encourage him to extend Ohio’s welcome by standing with our immigrant neighbors who live in fear of being torn away from their families and communities by violent targeting and harassment by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).”
Faith in Public Life is a national network of nearly 50,000 clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice and the common good.