100+ Jacksonville Clergy Stand United for Discrimination Protection
January 8, 2016
Press Contact: Allison Walter (913) 375-7730
100+ Jacksonville Clergy Stand United for Discrimination Protection
Ahead of bill’s introduction, clergy hold press conference in support of HRO
Jacksonville, FL — Just one day before the Human Rights Ordinance will be introduced in the Jacksonville city council, a diverse and growing coalition of more than 100 prominent faith leaders will stand united at a press conference tomorrow to voice their support of passing an expanded and inclusive HRO. Prominent supporters include Mayor Curry’s pastor Rev. Bruce Jones and expanding representation from African American clergy.
“In the stories we hear in the Bible about Jesus, he was continually restoring people to community. Community and radical hospitality are His hallmark. We as followers should be building up, rather than tearing down; Standing with the poor and marginalized of our society,” says Rev. William Hamilton, pastor St. John’s Lutheran Church in Jacksonville. “That’s why I stand with a growing number of Jacksonville pastors in strong support of passing a comprehensive HRO.”
Press conference in advance of HRO introduction in Jacksonville City Council
Rev. Torin Dailey – First Baptist Church of Oakland
Rev. William Hamilton – St. John’s Lutheran Church
Rabbi Howard Tilman – Jacksonville Jewish Center
Rev. Linda Girouex – Riverside United Church of Christ
Monday, January 11th, 12:00pm
Henry J. Klutho Park
204 W. 3rd Street
Jacksonville, FL 32206
*Faith leaders will meet at the Mary Dillon memorial fountain