Transformational Gift from MacKenzie Scott Advances Faith in Public Life’s Work, Fight for Racial Equity
Read press release here
We are excited to announce that Faith in Public Life has received a transformational gift from author and philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. Scott’s visionary contribution is one of 286 gifts to high-impact, community-centered organizations she announced today, including several faith-based groups.
We’re incredibly grateful to Ms. Scott for seeing our work, believing in the power of voices of faith and investing in our community’s ability to do this work together. This donation will dramatically increase our capacity to transform this nation into a multiracial, multifaith democracy where everyone can thrive.
And thank you, for being a part of this community and for doing the work of faith and justice with us. Religious leaders and people of faith like you galvanize our neighbors in the face of apathy, organize our communities in an age of individualism, shine the light of truth in an age of lies, and call us to believe in a future of thriving for all rather than scarcity and inequity.
This gift comes at a crucial moment for our organization and our nation. Faith in Public Life is doing long-term strategic planning right now to chart a way forward that deepens our work, broadens our reach, empowers leaders like you, and makes it all sustainable. As we work to confront white Christian nationalism, the decisions and strategies we make now will have a dramatic impact on the course of history.
We will embark upon this work anchored in our faith and fueled by our commitment to justice
Jen, Änna, Adrianne, Sara, & Kia
Senior Leadership Team
Faith in Public Life