Over 250 Faith Leaders Urge Leon County Commission to Close Gun Show Loophole
March 26, 2018
Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, (202)735-7123
Joey McKinnon, jmckinnon@faithinpubliclife.org, (843)364-4403
Over 250 Faith Leaders Urge Leon County Commission to Close Gun Show Loophole
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — On Tuesday, March 27, at 3 p.m., Justice850 and faith leaders are calling on the Leon County Commission to close the gun show loophole and to support the proposal to reduce violence within the community.
Today the proposed ordinance will go before the Leon County Commission. Justice850 will deliver a letter signed by more than 250 people of faith in Tallahassee and Leon County calling on the Commission to support this life-affirming policy and close the gun show loophole. To view the moral declaration, click here.
Dr. Thomas Whitley, Founder of Justice850:
“As a person of faith, I am not concerned with whether elected leaders believe as I do. But I am concerned with whether their actions and policies are life-affirming, whether they attempt to combat violence and make peace. The Leon County Commissioners’ proposal to close the gun show loophole does just this, as it works to keep guns out of the hands of individuals who may harm themselves or others.”
Rev. Sheldon Steen, Justice850:
“As a minister, educator, and father I am deeply concerned about the epidemic of gun violence. Guided by my faith, I am audacious enough to believe that we can work together across a broad political spectrum to enact meaningful change that significantly diminishes the impacts of gun violence in our communities. Closing this loophole is a small but important step in that process. I hope our county commissioners, even if we don’t share a common faith, will be guided by a similar politics of hope for what we can achieve through simple, common sense acts such as this.”
Rev. Joe Parramore, New Journey Ministries:
“Thoughts and prayers are always welcomed and needed in times of tragedy and loss. However, thoughts and prayers do not pass appropriate legislation that has the potential to save human life. Leon County Board of County Commissioners now have an opportunity to do what our state legislature failed to do; close the gun show loophole. While this is not the complete solution, if it saves just one life we have succeeded.”
Tuesday, March 27, at 3 p.m.
Leon County Courthouse
301 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL
Impacted Citizens
Dr. Thomas Whitley, Justice580
Rev. Sheldon Steen, Justice580
Rev. Joe Parramore, New Journey Ministries, Quincy, FL
Justice850 is a grassroots organization of individuals in the Tallahassee and Leon County area dedicated to advocating for justice in their local community as people of faith. They advocate on the local level because change happens in relationship, over coffee, on the front porch, and in break room conversations. Just as all politics is local, so too is justice.