National Faith Leaders Denounce Discrimination in the Name of Religion During Oral Arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop Case
December 5, 2017
Michelle Nealy,, (202)735-7123
Mackenzie Harris,, (610)283-8879
National Faith Leaders Denounce Discrimination in the Name of Religion During Oral Arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop Case
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Tuesday, December 5th, clergy, community leaders and lawmakers rallied outside the Supreme Court before oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Speakers joined community members calling for equal justice and dignity under the law for LGBTQ Americans in solidarity with plaintiffs Charlie Craig and David Mullins.
Over 500 Christian leaders recently declared in a moral declaration that religious liberty doesn’t justify discrimination. To view the moral declaration and the full list of signers, click here.
To view the livestreamed video from today’s event click here. To view other photos and videos from the rally, click here.
Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO, Faith in Public Life:
“Using Christianity and religious liberty to justify discrimination runs counter to our faith which calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves because they are created in God’s image. We Christians cannot bear witness to Christ if we are slamming doors in our neighbors’ faces–even neighbors with whom we disagree. Only by exemplifying the love of God — turning the other cheek and embracing those society rejects — can we know God and be faithful to Christ’s teachings.”
Rabbi Jason Kimelman-Block, Director, Bend the Arc Jewish Action:
“As a Rabbi, I live according to my understanding of the laws of Torah. As such, there is much in this society that I decline participate in or that I turn away from. Religious freedom gives me that right. But religion is never an excuse to shun a class of people, deny services, and create second-class citizens. Religion at its best is a force for love, reconciliation, understanding and connection among all of humanity – and I am appalled by those who use it as a weapon.”
Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis, Senior Minister, Middle Collegiate Church:
“If religious freedom means we say no to our neighbor based on sexuality, race or gender, that’s not free. That actually costs something. And what it costs is humanity, it costs equality, it costs joy, it costs dignity and it costs a way of life. It costs our Constitution and the sum total of that cost is bigotry. So let’s be honest, refusing someone a cake based on their sexuality is discrimination and religious bigotry. It’s not religious freedom.”
Julie Rogers, writer, speaker and faith leader:
“My hope is that my fellow Christians wouldn’t simply serve LGBTQ people because the law protects us from discrimination, but because Christ called us to serve our neighbors, and we are your neighbors. The Scriptures say they’ll know you’re Christians by your love, and today I urge my fellow believers to model that spirit of love in your communities.”
Faith in Public Life is a strategy center for the faith community advancing faith in the public square as a powerful force for justice, compassion and the common good.