National Faith Leader Applauds Removal of Seminary President Following Misogynistic Remarks
May 23, 2018
Michelle Nealy,, (202) 735-7123
Mackenzie Harris,, (610) 283-8879
National Faith Leader Applauds Removal of Seminary President Following Misogynistic Remarks
Fort Worth, TX — Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary trustees voted to remove Paige Patterson as president of the institution, following attention brought to misogynistic comments he had made over the years, including admiring the physical beauty of a teenager, counselling a woman to remain with her abusive husband, and advising a victim of a rape to not go to the police.
Rev. Jennifer Butler, Founding Director, Faith in Public Life:
“I’m proud of my sisters in the Southern Baptist Convention who disavowed Paige Patterson’s sinful language and unrepentant heart. I pray that the Southern Baptist Convention will become a place where both women and men can flourish. Religious institutions must be places where survivors of abuse and sexual assault can find healing rather than relive trauma.”
Faith in Public Life is a national network of nearly 50,000 clergy and faith leaders united in the prophetic pursuit of justice and the common good.