June 21st Meeting With Clergy, Latino Evangelicals Denounce Trump’s Racist Campaign Rhetoric
June 17, 2016
Michelle Nealy, mnealy@faithinpubliclife.org, (202) 735-7123
Sara Benitez, sbenitez@faithinpubliclife.org, (202) 280-9284
Ahead of June 21st Meeting With Clergy, Latino Evangelicals Denounce Trump’s Racist Campaign Rhetoric
New York, NY — Nearly 100 prominent latino evangelical leaders throughout the nation are speaking out against the deluge of racist, xenophobic and divisive rhetoric monopolizing the 2016 election. Ahead of Donald Trump’s meeting with conservative evangelicals in New York City on June 21st, these leaders are calling on every political candidate to adhere to a higher standard of decency and civility.
The letter, spearheaded by the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, reads: “As shepherds of our community, we will not stand by in silence while our brothers, sisters, and neighbors are subjected to words and deeds that deny their human dignity and denigrate their families. Our Christian faith teaches us that our principles must triumph over partisanship. As Hispanic evangelical pastors and leaders, we believe that we cannot allow this rhetoric to remain unanswered.”
In a new video released by Faith in Public Life Action Fund, three of the nation’s leading evangelicals condemn presumptive nominee Donald Trump for his racist, sexist and xenophobic rhetoric and compel to him to seek forgiveness for his actions.
This community of faith will continue to monitor the incendiary language espoused by candidates throughout the campaign season, and vocally oppose those who publicly endorse, adopt, defend or associate with xenophobia and racism.
Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero, President, National Latino Evangelical Coalition
“We can’t sit idly by and allow a presidential nominee to suggest that we need a ban on Muslims entering this country, or to suggest that a federal judge is disqualified because of his ethnic background. See this is not a Republican or Democrat issue. This is a decency and moral issue.”
Noel Castellanos, President and CEO, Christian Community Development Association (CCDA), Chicago, IL
“I stand with respected leaders of the Latino Evangelical community to denounce the politics of hate as offering no hope for the future for our nation. Instead, we expect that our political discourse be conducted in a manner of respect, and that leaders who aspire to guide our nation be held accountable for their inflammatory rhetoric aimed at Mexicans, Muslims and women. We must say no to hate in our pulpits and we must say no to hate in the polling booths!”