Catholic Priests Speak Out on Trump’s El Paso Visit After Border Delegation
February 11, 2018
Michelle Nealy,, (202) 735-7123
Mackenzie Harris,, (610) 283-8879
Catholic Priests Speak Out on Trump’s El Paso Visit After Border Delegation
Washington, D.C. — Ahead of the President’s rally to be held in El Paso, Texas today, Catholic priests who recently visited El Paso are urging him to put an end to vilifying immigrants to justify border wall construction. The priests call for border regulation to be implemented with justice and mercy.
Catholic priests have issued the following statements:
Fr. Satish Joseph, Pastor, Immaculate Conception & St. Helen, Dayton, OH:
“Pope Francis recently reminded us that ‘builders of walls sow fear’ and ‘divide people.’ Unfortunately, the Trump administration is dividing the nation by demonizing immigrants and demanding an immoral wall. But it won’t work. God calls the church to unite in welcoming families fleeing violence. We will overcome the forces of racism and division.”
Fr. Robert Reidy, Pastor, Sagrada Familia, Cleveland, OH:
“On a recent trip to El Paso, I witnessed the damage and pain the wall has caused both sides of the border. I lament the tragic migrant deaths, destruction of wildlife, and chaos that the militarization of the border has caused border communities. El Paso is known for being one the nation’s safest cities, even before there was a wall. The President should talk to the mayors of both El Paso and Ciudad Juarez to get his facts right about the history of the two cities and the present situation. We need to pray for humility so he can see the reality and compassion to see the faces of those whom he is hurting.“
Fr. Bob Flannery, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Carbondale, IL:
“My Catholic faith reminds me that countries indeed have the right to regulate its borders but makes clear that this must be done with justice and mercy, for the common good of all people. I ask this of President Trump: does this border wall truly support the common good? Does it lift up border communities, families fleeing violence, or wisely spend taxpayer dollars? I fear the answer is no. Working for the common good would look like strengthening the capacity to process asylum claims in the U.S., providing people the opportunity to apply for legal status, and speaking in ways that unite our country, rather than divide.”
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