Power Summits
We’ve seen what happens when women lead movements: change follows. But you know what’s even more powerful? When women start talking! Join the conversation and hear how Protestant, Catholic Muslim, Jewish and Sikh women activists, theologians, seminarians and faith leaders are using their faith to fuel their fight for social justice.
Catholic Women, Values & The 2020 Election
A conversation about Justice and the Common Good.
Sisters in Solidarity
Muslim women across cultural contexts share how they are working to demand equality, justice and liberation for all.
Never Again
Jewish women discuss the call to social justice and activism that Judaism demands.
Revolutionary Love
Sikh women from across the country talk about how their call to love is revolutionizing their pursuit of social justice. Keynote address by best selling author, Valarie Kaur, whose TED Talk on the Revolutionary Love that guides her work has garnered over 3 million views.
¡En la Lucha! Faith, Power and Resistance
Latinx women discuss how they are fighting for dignity for our families and communities.