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At Faith in Public Life, we want to supply you with the tools and resources you need to advocate for justice in your community. Take a look below to get equipped!

Ohio Democracy Protection Training

From unconstitutional maps, to extremist legislation that suppresses voting, to the violence and threats rooted in white Christian nationalism that makes the national news Ohioans like you have already been witness to the barriers and threats to our freedom to vote. In spite of these threats, we know and have seen throughout history that when faith leaders join together and push back, we keep our communities safe. Responding to violence and threats to our democracy with faith, truth and our presence is in the spiritual DNA of our collective and diverse faith traditions. Join us as we discuss how we ensure we are equipped and able to protect our democracy and keep each other safe.

Faith on the Frontlines for Democracy Narrative

Values-based narrative framework for public remarks, written materials such as op-eds, sermons and congregational resources, as well as media interview preparation. You can use it to help shape your own messages, and use passages verbatim.

Protecting Democracy & Voting Rights: A Conversation with Catholic Activists

Powerful institutions and political leaders are working to rigging the system and erecting racist obstacles to voting and full participation in American life. We know that voter suppression is a sin. Silence is complicity. Join our panel on Friday, October 14 as we discuss how Catholics can act to protect democracy and voting rights.

Countering Political Violence with Faith

White Christian nationalists are seeking to disrupt our democracy in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections with political violence. From political leaders embracing the “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was stolen to the glorification of violence —- now is the time to look at the warning signs and equip our communities with the resources and tools to stay safe. Our multi-faith, multiracial movement will play a central role in keeping everyone safe by responding quickly with smart, effective messaging.

Bring Voting to Worship

Integrating voting information on how to register to vote and make a voter plan for your congregation within the worship service encourages more voter participation, and ensures that we have leadership founded in dignity, peace, faith, and respect of all people.
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