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At Faith in Public Life, we want to supply you with the tools and resources you need to advocate for justice in your community. Take a look below to get equipped!

Holi 2023

Holi is a joyful festival for many Hindu communities, where we eat sweets and throw colored powder on our friends as we celebrate the triumph of good over evil. The story of Holi is about a young prince who confronts his tyrannical father, showing that good will defeat evil. Standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of pressure from your family and community is the true spirit of Holi.

Listening to Catholic Women: A Deeper Conversation about Abortion & Reproductive Justice

The time has come to listen to Catholic women and have a better, deeper conversation on abortion and reproductive justice. Catholic women are sharing personal stories about how their faith and lived experiences inspire them to speak out in support of public conversations that better reflect the complexity of these issues.

Merry Christmas!

I pray that you have some of the courage of Mary, some of the hope of this season and some deep rest today.
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