Rev. Dr. Marian Stewart
Ohio Organizing Manager
Rev. Marian serves as the Ohio Organizing Manager for Faith and Public Life. She is based in Yellow Springs, OH and is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister. She has earned degrees in business administration, theology, and ministry. Born and raised in the South, her dissertation, “Begotten Legacies: Examining the Soul of Inherited Racism” explored deep-rooted family stories and how they have impacted generational narratives and what it means to love our neighbor.
Rev. Marian is the founder of Fostering Interfaith Relationships on the Eastside (Seattle), Rainbow Connexion, and has served on the Board of Directors for Faith Choice Ohio. She is a long-time activist, working for peace, environmental justice, and inclusion. Her hobbies include gardening, swimming, and anything creative. Doggie Fiona and Maddie cat keep her company in a house built in the late 1800’s.